LaxLessons – The Leader.
Our groundbreaking, imitated, but never duplicated coverage,
and Recruiting Rundown, launched in 2009.
Get caught up on the latest news right here, right now by visiting’s groundbreaking, imitated, but never duplicated Lacrosse Insider. It’s the No. 1 source and unparalleled leader for recruiting news, analysis and objective information in the NY/NJ/CT tristate hotspot and the entire lax galaxy, featuring nationally respected, award-winning multimedia news and sports director, manager, producer and editor Joe Lombardi, the author of the latest edition of “Lacrosse for Dummies.” Access Insider here.
We’ve completed our Tristate Top 100 rundown.
You can check out the complete rankings, and rankings by class and position, right now at our Lacrosse Insider section with links to each category on this page.
But first, we want to emphasize that determining player rankings should be an objective process, and one that we at LL/RR (LaxLessons/Recruiting Rundown) understand is completely and utterly unscientific in each and every way.
So our listings are arranged alphabetically and in groups of 10. Plain and simple.
Here, our rankings, just like our coverage, are about the players, fans and coaches — not us. We will always keep the spotlight shining brightly where it should be.
Further, our rankings equally weigh varsity performances with summer showcase. The result is the most complete and accurate rankings of their kind — not to mention the only professional and unbiased rankings out there as well.
One final note, while LaxLessons’ coverage area includes, of course, all of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut (as well as New England and the entire Northeast), for the purposes of the Tristate Top 100, we confine the tristate area to its more traditional definition.
Tristate Top 100 – the complete rundown
First 10 defenders/longstick midfielders
You can check out the Top 25 seniors list by clicking here.
You can check out the Top 25 juniors list by clicking here.
You can check out the Top 25 sophomores list by clicking here.
If you are not already, become an Insider by clicking here.
Once again, our Tristate Top 100 is an exclusive feature on our Lacrosse Insider premium coverage section. If you are not already, become an Insider by clicking here.
Have a recruiting commitment to report? Send an email to, contact Joe Lombardi directly at or send a Tweet to @Joe_Lombardi or @LaxLessons.
LaxLessons’ Fall 2015 Signing Week coverage
LL/RR LaxLessons Recruiting Rundown: The Original, The Best
Our groundbreaking, imitated and never duplicated Recruiting Rundown launched in 2009, years before the copycat imitators.
Tristate Division I Class of 2015 commitments by college
Tristate Division I Class of 2016 commitments by college
Tristate Division I Class of 2017 commitments by college
Tristate Division I Class of 2018 commitments by college
Tristate Division I Class of 2019 commitments by college
LL Recruiting Rundown commitment lists
* Updated tristate recruiting commitment rundown for Class of 2015
* Updated tristate recruiting commitment rundown for Class of 2016
* Updated tristate recruiting commitment rundown for Class of 2017
* Updated tristate recruiting commitment rundown for Class of 2018
* Updated tristate recruiting commitment rundown for Class of 2019
* Recruiting commitment story archive
* 2015 National Letter Of Intent Fall Signing Week story/photo archive
* 2014 National Letter of Intent Fall Signing Week story/photo archive
* 2012 National Letter of Intent Fall Signing Week story/photo archive
First 10 defenders/longstick midfielders
Once again, our Tristate Top 100 is an exclusive feature on our Lacrosse Insider premium coverage section. If you are not already, become an Insider by clicking here.
Get in the Zone: The HS Zone
High School Zone: Hudson Valley
High School Zone: New York City
High School Zone: Upstate New York
High School Zone: Pennsylvania
High School Zone: Beyond the Northeast
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* Download for free the new LaxLessons’ playbook iPad/iPhone app in the iTunes store.
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Posted In: Connecticut, Hudson Valley, Long Island lacrosse, New Jersey lacrosse, New York City lacrosse, Tristate Top 100 player rankings